MMC HR: The leader in Sexual Harassment Training for the Workplace

sexual harassment hr training

According to recent statistics, more than half of all workers (54%) have experienced some form of sexual harassment in the workplace, making it the most common type of workplace harassment. It is the employer’s responsibility to try to actively prevent and eliminate sexual harassment in their business. Not only does sexual harassment affect your employees, it affects the future of your business.

The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) defines sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when such conduct:

  • Explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment
  • Unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance
  • Creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment

Preventing and eliminating sexual harassment in the workplace means that all employees must be properly educated and trained on how to react to sexual harassment if it happens. Managers and supervisors should receive specialized training to properly handle cases of sexual harassment. The business must have strict procedures and processes for when sexual harassment does occur, such as handling complaints, investigations, and corrective measures.

Protect your business and your employees from sexual harassment in the workplace. MMC HR provides an extensive training course for harassment in the workplace: what it looks like, how to avoid any potential situations, and how to protect your business and employees in the event that it does happen.

MMC HR is proud to present a fully encompassing online sexual harassment training course that engages the user through real-life video scenarios, learning, interactive games and exercises, legal instruction and more. MMC goes above and beyond compliance to provide our customers with courses that will captivate and inform employees, while creating lasting impressions and real change.

Our intensive courses cover and exceed federal and California state requirements, meaning MMC makes sure your business is covered. This training course is custom tailored to your organization’s wants and needs.

Contact MMC HR today to protect your employees and business with our extensive sexual harassment training course.

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